Sunday, June 7, 2009


The delicate, wordless first reel drew tears. On loan from WALL-E are the economical storytelling and loving character details (Ellie's hazardous haircut), if not the breathtaking wonder and delight. The remaining reels do contain the handwoven material needed to complete a perfect short film, but sadly it is stitched into a coarse and conventional feature about talking dogs (and poker-playing dogs, and butler dogs, and fighter pilot dogs) and an endangered bird; Disney-straight-to-video stuff.


  1. I was similarly unimpressed. If I had kids, I would take them to see it, but I don't think it will leave a lasting impression. However, I did really like the short about stork and the cloud that opened the movie.

  2. I grumbled through the stork short. Irksome Victorian birds-and-bees foolishness. But I liked the nasty un-cuddly predator babies.
