Sunday, December 14, 2008


And so after my first exposure I am now committed to exploring the back catalogue of theater and indie film veteran Mike Leigh. Here is movie magic of a higher order: A picture that, with only the barest whisp of a plot, nevertheless knows exactly what it's about. Each moment is true, and the moments sum to a whole. Sally Hawkins' character takes time to observe the people around her. She looks into the faces of strangers. The same can be said of the movie itself &mdash in a scene on the boardwalk Sally & company move on out of frame while the camera pauses to regard two old men sitting on a bench. They are grimacing at nothing in particular, and we love them.


  1. I am going to say that "Happy-Go-Lucky" is a movie not only about observing people around us, but also suggests that there is always a soul, a story behind every strange pair of eyes. This makes the movie more like Sally, because she believes in people's good faith, she wants to believe that there is always something intriguing or wonderful underneath.

    But is that always true?
