Monday, September 21, 2009

Korea V. So Yong Kim

I walked into the Gene Siskel Film Center one day and a Korean movie was playing so I saw it. It was called Treeless Mountain and it put me into the indie doze: that guiltily inattentive state of semi-consciousness that occurs when viewing an indie film that possesses artistic merit but you kinda don't really care. You are certain that the subject matter is very meaningful to a very narrow demographic to which you have no relation whatsoever. Also, you feel there has been excessive use of the close-up.

In her first two films, In Between Days and Treeless Mountain, director So Yong Kim has made a significant contribution to the world's supply of close-up footage of kindergarten and teenage Korean girls. I hope that she has received awards from the appropriate liberal-minded associations and funds. Meanwhile I shall quietly sneak out to go watch Raising Arizona.


  1. I liked District 9, especially the part where peoples' heads explode
