Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inglourious Basterds, Part VIII

8. Triumph des Willens (1935), aka Triumph of the Will, is mandatory viewing for students of history and film...especially if you hate the Jew! Seriously folks, this is probably the evilest thing ever. And who but the lovely and adorably misguided Leni Riefenstahl could have been handpicked by der Führer to document the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, that all the Teutonic world should share in the happy ascent of totalitarian fuckism? The unrepentant Frau Riefenstahl was honored In Memoriam at the 2004 Academy Awards ceremony, which drew, shall we say, a mixed response.


  1. I once read Mein Kampf in the hope that it would read like a creepy horror novel. Instead it read more like Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science," a tedious tribute to a raving narcissist.

    I hope the movie tribute to Nazi Germany is more chilling. I'd definitely like to see this one.

  2. You have inadvertently made an astonishing prediction: Future generations of undereducated crackpots will reinterpret NKS for their own wildly irritating purposes and organize as Neo-Wolframite skinheads.
